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Support artistry, scholarship, and innovation by joining the Directors Circle today!

The Directors Circle is Court’s top giving society, providing Court’s most generous donors with special recognition and access to the artistic process of bringing productions to life on Court’s stage.

An annual contribution of $25,000 or more provides you with the following exclusive benefits:

  • Recognition as a named sponsor of one production annually
  • Invitations to exclusive events featuring Court Theatre artists, University of Chicago scholars, and other special guests
  • Membership in the University’s of Chicago Society of Leadership Annual Donors, with special access to University events, programs, staff, publications, and leaders

Directors Circle members also receive all the benefits of the Producers Circle, including all donor-exclusive events and experiences.

For more information, contact:
Dakota Williams, Associate Director of Development

Photo of Allen Gilmore and Kate Fry by Michael Brosilow.

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