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2024/2025 Season

Welcome to the 2024/25 season! This landmark 70th season spans genre and form with productions that speak to our current moment with clarity and heft.

This season is a celebration of milestones. It is the year in which Charles Newell will transition from Marilyn F. Vitale Artistic Director to Senior Artistic Consultant, and the year in which Court will welcome its new Artistic Director. Staging these plays at this moment instigates a fascinating exploration of what it means to live in a present that was imagined by works of the past. The 2024/25 season is here and the time is now.


Apr 19, 2025 — May 11, 2025

A New Adaptation by Mickle Maher
Based on the graphic novel by Jason Lutes
Directed by Charles Newell

Berlin is an unforgettable mosaic of intersecting narratives set amidst the decline of Weimar Germany. This original commission brings Jason Lutes’s exhilarating and acclaimed graphic novel to life. Fascism is taking hold; revolutionaries are organizing; creatives are trying to capture the ineffable nature of their changing city; and – as everything falls apart – everyone is faced with a choice: abandon Berlin or fight to survive.

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