The Gospel at Colonus (Cancelled)
Conceived and Adapted by Lee Breuer
Music Composed by Bob Telson
Original Lyrics by Lee Breuer
Adapted Lyrics by Bob Telson & Lee Breuer
Directed by Charles Newell
Associate Director TaRon Patton
Nov 05, 2020 — Dec 06, 2020
To ensure the safety of our audiences and artists, Court’s production of The Gospel at Colonus, was cancelled due to the COVID-10 global pandemic. The production is now scheduled for May 12 – June 11, 2023 → Learn more here.
“Whether you’re a monotheist or a polytheist or no theist at all, it will speak to you, and you might answer back, dancing and clapping and lifting your own voice.” -The New York Times
Soulful and stirring, The Gospel at Colonus reimagines the story of Oedipus as the centerpiece of an African American Pentecostal church service. A redemptive celebration, this one-of-a-kind theatrical event breathes new life into a classic myth with a score of powerful gospel music.
A bold collaboration from an extraordinary team of artists led by Charles Newell, Mark J.P. Hood, and TaRon Patton, The Gospel at Colonus builds upon the strengths and experiences of its directors to bring this nationally-touring Broadway smash hit to life with new clarity on Chicago’s South Side.
The Oedipus Trilogy is sponsored by |
The Trilogy is supported in part by an award from |
The Gospel at Colonus is sponsored by Barbara and Richard Franke |
Court Theatre is a participant in the Audience (R)Evolution: Cohort Grants program, funded by the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation and administered by Theatre Communications Group, the national organization for the professional not-for-profit American theatre.
Photo by Joe Mazza.
Artistic Team
Concept/Adaptation/LyricsLee Breuer
Music Composition/LyricsBob Telson
DirectorCharles Newell
Associate DirectorTaRon Patton