Production Photos (Getty Villa)
Photo of Mark Spates Smith, Shari Addison, Eva Ruwé, Shantina Lynet', Juwon Tyrel Perry, Kelvin Roston Jr., Eric A. Lewis, Cherise Thomas, Isaac Ray, and Jerica Exum by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Eva Ruwé, Shantina Lynet', Jessica Brooke Seals, Eric A. Lewis, Kelvin Roston Jr., Cherise Thomas, and Isaac Ray by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Cherise Thomas, Jerica Exum, Eric A. Lewis, Shari Addison, Isaac Ray, Jessica Brooke Seals, Juwon Tyrel Perry, Shantina Lynet', Mark Spates Smith, Eva Ruwé, Ariana Burks, and Kai A. Ealy by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Juwon Tyrel Perry by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Kelvin Roston Jr. by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Aeriel Williams by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Aeriel Williams, Kelvin Roston Jr., and Isaac Ray by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Eric A. Lewis, Shari Addison, Isaac Ray, Kai A. Ealy, Juwon Tyrel Perry, Cherise Thomas, Shantina Lynet', and Eva Ruwé by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Aeriel Williams, Kelvin Roston Jr., and Ariana Burks by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Shari Addison, Aeriel Williams, Kelvin Roston Jr., and Ariana Burks by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Shari Addison, Kelvin Roston Jr., Mark Spates Smith, and Eric A. Lewis by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Ariana Burks, Aeriel Williams, Eva Ruwé, Juwon Tyrel Perry, Shari Addison, Kelvin Roston Jr., Jessica Brooke Seals, Isaac Ray, Eric A. Lewis, Shantina Lynet', Cherise Thomas, and Jerica Exum by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Mark Spates Smith, Eva Ruwé, Shari Addison, Juwon Tyrel Perry, Ariana Burks, Jason Huysman, Jessica Brooke Seals, Kelvin Roston Jr., Eric A. Lewis, Aeriel Williams, Isaac Ray, Cherise Thomas, and Jerica Exum by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Cherise Thomas, Kelvin Roston Jr., Jerica Exum, Isaac Ray, and Jessica Brooke Seals by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Mark Spates Smith, Aeriel Williams, Kai A. Ealy, Juwon Tyrel Perry, Shantina Lynet', and Kelvin Roston Jr. by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Kai A. Ealy and Kelvin Roston Jr. by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Kai A. Ealy and Mark Spates Smith by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Kelvin Roston Jr. and Mark Spates Smith by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Ariana Burks, Mark Spates Smith, Aeriel Williams, and Shari Addison by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo of Ariana Burks and Aeriel Williams by Craig Schwartz Photography.
Photo by Craig Schwartz Photography.