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Charles Newell Featured in Playbill

Charlie Newell sat down with PLAYBILL to reflect on his legacy and thirty-year tenure before he transitions to the role of Senior Artistic Consultant - check it out!

The Revolutionary Syllabus

Dive into this curated selection of readings, video clips, songs, and speeches that honor the past, present, and future of revolutionary movements.

Stoked about Stokely

Critics are enthralled by STOKELY: THE UNFINISHED REVOLUTION, the newest work from Playwright Nambi E. Kelley.

The Responsibility of Love

Adam Green, PhD, Associate Professor at The University of Chicago, considers Stokely Carmichael's relationship to organizing and the reputation that came from it.

Synopsis and Characters

Familiarize yourself with the historical figures and events that come to life in STOKELY: THE UNFINISHED REVOLUTION.

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