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What is Dementia Pugilistica?

Long before he quit boxing, Emile Griffith showed looming signs of dementia pugilistica. We take a look at what that means.

Interview: Playwright MICHAEL CRISTOFER

Court Theatre's Shelby Krick sat down with Man in the Ring Playwright Michael Cristofer to explore his career, the rehearsal process, and boxer Emile Griffith.

Donors Make a Difference: Kevin Hochberg and James McDaniel

Court Theatre is fortunate to have the loyal and generous support of Kevin Hochberg and James McDaniel. Kevin and Jim are long-time supporters of Court through donations, ticket purchases, and Kevin’s leadership on the Court Theatre Board of Trustees since 2001. Not only are Kevin and Jim contributing to Court’s success today, but they are also instrumental in securing Court’s continued success by including the theatre in their estate plan.

In Conversation with Larry Norman

Larry F. Norman is a Professor of Romance Languages and Literature and Deputy Provost of the Arts at the University of Chicago. He is the author of The Public Mirror: Molière and the Social Commerce of Depiction (University of Chicago Press), and served as a consultant to Court Theatre’s productions of The Misanthrope and Tartuffe. Resident Dramaturg Drew Dir sat down with Professor Norman to talk about Molière’s theatre.

Molière 1663: Comedy in Question

Gérald Garutti’s unique range of international experience positions him as a fine conversation leader during “Molière 1663: Comedy in Question,” bringing together scholars from all over the world for two days of celebration and discourse on the work of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, aka Molière, the most famous French playwright in history.

In Conversation with David Auburn

Long before he wrote Proof, playwright David Auburn was a student at the University of Chicago, where he wrote short comic sketches for Off-Off Campus, the university’s improv and sketch comedy group. Mr. Auburn spoke to Court’s Resident Dramaturg, Drew Dir, about being one of the UofC’s most celebrated alumni authors.

In Conversation with Tony Kushner

On the first day of rehearsal for Angels in America, an unseasonably warm day in February, Director Charles Newell and the cast were joined by playwright Tony Kushner. Before an audience of staff, crew, donors, and university professors and students, Mr. Kushner and Mr. Newell chatted about Angels in America and their working relationship to date.

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