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Donor Stories: Jack Halpern

On January 31, 2018, Court Theatre lost a friend and supporter, Professor Jack Halpern. Jack served as a member of the Court Theatre Board of Trustees from 1988 until his death. Court is humbled to carry on Jack’s and Helen’s legacy of passion for the arts.

Originalist Discussion Series

In the spirit of The Originalist, a play about listening to and engaging in civil discourse with those who have opposing viewpoints, Court is pleased to host a series of post-play discussions to delve deeper into the art and its related themes.

Justice Scalia’s Unlikely Best Friend

Given the relationship dynamics in THE ORIGINALIST, perhaps it’s unsurprising that one of Scalia’s best friends was Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Cultural Memory

Production Dramaturg Gabrielle Randle explores the cultural significance of the 1967 Film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner.

Arthur Miller’s Lucky Break

“The success of a play, especially one's first success, is somewhat like pushing against a door which suddenly opens from the other side."

Subscriber Spotlight: Helen Barrett

If you’ve been to a Court Theatre Spotlight Reading Series event, chances are you’ve probably seen Helen Barrett. A retired Chicago Police detective, Helen has been a Court subscriber for over two decades. She’s also attended all but one of Court’s Spotlight Readings. Court is grateful for Helen’s longstanding commitment as a subscriber, and for her passionate support of the Spotlight Reading Series.

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