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The Glossary of GOSPEL

Explore some of the key vocabulary related to production, compiled by THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS Production Dramaturg, Wenke (Coco) Huang.

Synopsis and Characters

Read a brief synopsis of this production, and untangle the web of Oedipus's family tree, his life, and the order of events immediately preceding THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS.

Oedipus, Church, and Catharsis

Production Dramaturg Wenke (Coco) Huang highlights quotes about catharsis, joy, redemption, and Black worship that offer crucial context for THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS.

Chicago’s Gospel History

Production Dramaturg Wenke (Coco) Huang provides a brief overview of Chicago's history with gospel music and how it informs THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS.

The Gospel at…Theatre Camp?

What do Morgan Freeman, Zora Neale Hurston, and the 2003 film CAMP have in common? Believe it or not, they're all connected to THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS! Read more about this production's cultural resonances in this blog post!

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