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Gained In Translation

Court Theatre intern Eleni Lefakis discusses the difficulties inherent in translation and how Rudall's ANTIGONE succeeds despite them.


Associate Artistic Director Gabrielle Randle-Bent discusses her upcoming production of ANTIGONE and how the play chooses its own moment.

Media and Storytelling

Court Theatre intern Eleni Lefakis discusses the differences between the 1968 film adaptation of THE LION IN WINTER and the 2023 Court Theatre production.

No Progress Without Struggle

Director of Engagement Kamilah Rashied assesses the role of power in THE LION IN WINTER, ANTIGONE, and this season's Engagement programming.

Queering the Medieval Family Drama

University of Chicago Professor Leslie Buxbaum considers the relationships in THE LION IN WINTER, their respective queerness (or lack thereof), and what an audience deems gasp-worthy.

Learning Guide: Oedipus Rex

Check out these resources and activities to enhance your experience of Sophocles's OEDIPUS REX, the first production in Court's Oedipus Trilogy.

Synopsis and Characters

Read a brief synopsis of OEDIPUS REX and review the cast of characters in this complex family tree!

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