Learning Guide: The Gospel at Colonus

Check out these resources for academics, enthusiasts, educators to support your learning and viewing of The Gospel at Colonus.
- Synopsis and Characters: Read a brief synopsis of this production, and untangle the web of Oedipus’s family tree, his life, and the order of events immediately preceding The Gospel at Colonus.
- Rewind, Refresh: Watch brief videos summarizing the basic plot points and character relationships in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone.
- Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design: Explore the history behind The Gospel at Colonus, its dramaturgy, and the design of Court Theatre’s production.
Oedipus Trilogy Content Collection
Activities and Resources
- Pre-Show Genogram and Genre Activity: Explore the intersection of family trees and music with this pre-show activity.
- The Glossary of Gospel: Explore some of the key vocabulary related to production, compiled by The Gospel at Colonus Production Dramaturg Wenke (Coco) Huang.
- Post-Show Discussion Activity: Spend some time reflecting or discussing after experiencing The Gospel at Colonus!
- Additional Listening, Learning, and Viewing: Still curious? We’ve compiled a list of podcasts, videos, and documentaries to extend your learning about the trilogy, the history of gospel, and more.
- In Conversation with Directors Mark J.P. Hood and Charles Newell: Directors Mark J.P. Hood and Charles Newell discuss the evolution of gospel music, the importance of doing The Gospel at Colonus in Chicago, and the personal journey of redemption.
- Meet the Cast of The Gospel at Colonus: Say hello to the cast of The Gospel at Colonus!
- Oedipus and Agency: University of Chicago Professor Sarah Nooter explores questions of agency, truth, and fate in Sophocles’s Oedipus Rex.
- The Gospel at…Theatre Camp?: What do Morgan Freeman, Zora Neale Hurston, and the 2003 film Camp have in common? Believe it or not, they’re all connected to The Gospel at Colonus! Read more about this production’s cultural resonances in this blog post.
Photos and Videos
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