Learning Guide: Antigone

Check out these resources for academics, enthusiasts, and educators to support your learning and viewing of Antigone.
- Synopsis and Characters: Read a brief synopsis of Antigone and review the cast of characters in Sophocles’s classic text.
- Previously, in Thebes…: Brush up on the action leading up to Antigone with these videos summarizing Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus, plus video previews of the plot of Antigone.
- Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design: Explore the history behind Antigone, its dramaturgy, and the design of Court Theatre’s production.
Oedipus Trilogy Content Collection
Activities and Resources
- Pre-Show Vocabulary Activity: Dive into the world of literary allusions in Antigone with students before they choose a new-to-them Greek reference to explore.
- Glossary of the Greeks: Support your understanding of the words and world of Antigone with this thorough glossary, including key academic vocabulary and essential allusions.
- Pre-Show Ritual Activity: This activity for learners of all ages invites learning, reflection, and creativity around ritual-making.
- Antigone Quotes Activity: Use juicy quotes from the text as a jumping-off point for discussion and writing, before or after your viewing of the play.
- Poetry Activity: Experiment with blackout, or redacted, poetry using choral odes from Antigone and the work of contemporary Black women poets from Chicago as source texts.
- Post-Show Discussion Activity: After your viewing of Antigone, reflect on the production with companions, classmates, or by yourself.
- Post-Show Classroom Activity: Map the dramas and relationships of Antigone’s family onto the modern age with this creative exploration activity.
- Additional Listening, Learning, and Viewing: Check out this curated list of videos, podcasts, and playlists to dig deeper into Antigone, Thebes, and the world of Court’s production.
- In Conversation: Aeriel Williams, Ariana Burks, and Cheryl Lynn Bruce: Actors Aeriel Williams, Ariana Burks, and Cheryl Lynn Bruce discuss the importance of Antigone and the legacy of Court’s Oedipus Trilogy.
- A Portrait of Love and Defiance: Artist and UChicago alumna Savannah E. Bowman discusses “the sister’s”, the show art for Antigone.
- No Progress Without Struggle: Director of Engagement Kamilah Rashied assesses the role of power in The Lion in Winter, Antigone, and this season’s Engagement programming.
- Up Next: Antigone: Associate Artistic Director Gabrielle Randle-Bent discusses her upcoming production of Antigone and how the play chooses its own moment.
Photos and Videos
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