Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design

Explore the history behind Antigone, its dramaturgy, and the design of Court Theatre’s production.
Historical Background
- Historical Background on Sophocles’s Antigone: Learn more about the historical context informing one of Sophocles’s most famous tragedies.
- “What We Call Greek Tragedy”: This Franke Forum talk was given by Nicholas Rudall, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Classics and Founding Artistic Director of Court Theatre.
- Gained in Translation: Court Marketing Intern Eleni Lefakis discusses the difficulties inherent in translation and how Rudall’s Antigone succeeds despite them.
- Sophocles the Poet: A Personal Essay: Production Dramaturg Abhi Shrestha considers Sophocles’s identity as poet and how that informs Antigone.
- Antigone, Trauma, and Hope: University of Chicago Professor Sarah Nooter unveils the relationship between love and hate in Antigone.
- Culture and Region as Told Through Props: Properties Manager Lara Musard explains the significance of stone in our production of Antigone.
- Behind the Scenes: Scenic Designer John Culbert and Costume Designer Raquel Adorno discuss the inspiration behind the colorful world of Antigone.