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Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design

A man in a white suit stands with his head thrown back, face to the sky. His arms are extended and his palms are up.
Kelvin Roston Jr. by Joe Mazza.

These texts and resources explore the history behind The Gospel at Colonus, its dramaturgy, and design. Take a look and learn more!

Historical Background


  • Oedipus, Church, and Catharsis: Production Dramaturg Wenke (Coco) Huang highlights quotes about catharsis, joy, redemption, and Black worship that offer crucial context for The Gospel at Colonus.


  • Behind the Scenes: Learn about the background, context, and creative decisions informing the costume and set designs of The Gospel at Colonus.
  • Culture and Region as Told Through Props: Properties Manager Lara Musard provides a brief overview of the jubilee bowls featured in The Gospel at Colonus, and how they pay homage to both the Sophocles myth and the South Side.

Posted on May 9, 2023 in Learning Guides, Productions

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