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A person sits at a table; they are drinking beer and playing cards alone. They look sullen. Three people are watching them from a bar in the corner, and they look jovial and playful.
Photo of Alfred H. Wilson, AnJi White, Kelvin Roston Jr., and Juwan Lockett by Michael Brosilow.

Use these terms from East Texas Hot Links to better understand the world of Top o’ the Hill Café.

Chunk(v) To throw something at someone
Rope like Okra(v) An expression meaning to beat someone senseless 
Pony Express(n) Horse-mounted mail delivery services active in the US from 1860-1861 
Corn(n) A shorthand for corn-based whiskey, similar to moonshine  
Liable(adj) Responsible for 
Viaduct(n) A bridge-like structure that supports a road or railway 
Chitlins(n) The intestines of a pig, prepared for food; short for “chitterlings” 
Wrinkles(n) Another word for chitlins 
Bootleggin’(v) The illegal manufacture or sale of alcohol 
Machiavelli(n) A 16th century Italian political philosopher; famous for advocating for the expanse of power and that the ends justify the means 
Aquinas(n) Thomas Aquinas was a 13th century Italian priest and philosopher known for his teachings on the importance of reason in faith 
Crispus Attucks(n) A formerly enslaved man of African and Indigenous descent who worked as a whaler and sailor; he is who is traditionally regarded as the first person killed in the Boston Massacre, and thus the American Revolution 
High Yellow(adj, n) A dated and offensive term denoting a Black person with very light skin
Cut the Cards(v) To split a card deck; used here as a fortune-telling strategy 
Julius Caesar, Calpurnia(n) Caesar was a Roman general and dictator in the first century BCE; Calpurnia was his wife at the time of his assassination 
Judas Goat(n) A goat trained to herd other livestock animals; called “Judas” because it will lead lambs to slaughter, in a reference to Jesus’s death

Posted on September 5, 2024 in Learning Guides, Productions

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