Critics in awe of ALL MY SONS
Since opening night on January 20, critics have been sharing their reviews of All My Sons.
“… Newell is a spectacularly capable director … and All My Sons lands in his sweetest spot. … Newell invariably does his best work when he can deconstruct a seemingly realistic environment, when there is a powerful existing story that can keep his conceptual train on the tracks and allow Newell to foreground, collapse and intensify. And, of course, reveal. He does enough of that here that my mouth fell open at times.”
– Chicago Tribune, Chris Jones, ★★★★
“… A blistering revival at Court Theatre … it is to the great credit of director Charles Newell and his fervent, raw-nerved cast that they have wrestled so fearlessly with this bear of a play.”
– Chicago Sun-Times, Hedy Weiss, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“Take in director Charles Newell’s staging of “All My Sons” and you will leave the theater feeling as if you have been blown to pieces and stitched back together – in the best possible way. It is cathartic, dynamic, urgent and, in terms of sheer storytelling, mesmerizing.”
– PerformInk, Catey Sullivan, CRITIC’S PICK
“What a great play this is! Not a slavish recapitulation of classical tropes, but a recasting of them into a work that’s somehow weighty and lithe, inexorable and unexpected, eternal and American, all at once. Even if you know All My Sons, you don’t know it.”
– Chicago Reader, Tony Adler, READER RECOMMENDED
“… A clap of thunder, a flash of lightning, a fallen tree; so begins the Court Theatre’s revival of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, and it is absolutely FABULOUS! … In the capable hands of Director Charles Newell, the Court production is seamless and riveting, with a remarkable cast.”
– Around The Town Chicago, Alan Bresloff, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“… Director Charles Newell’s approach to this classic play of deceptions and lies is nothing short of tremendous, and the timing of the characters is exceptional. Timothy Edward Kane has shown his theatrical, dramatic range in this play, and we must say “bravo!” to John Judd for giving us a masterful performance … and Kate Collins is phenomenal.”
– Chicago Now, Rick and Brenda McCain, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“… Miller’s realistic underpinnings mesh with Newell’s striking vision to create a theatrical and dramatic experience that elevates the drama to a new level.”
– Chicagoland Theater Reviews, Dan Zeff, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“…Charles Newell’s production of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons at Court Theatre is an emotionally wrenching tragedy. … Not until the last few minutes do you understand the enormity of the story, and then it punches you in the gut.”
– Third Coast Review, Nancy Bishop, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“…Court Theatre Artistic Director Charles Newell has assembled a magnificent cast and production staff to bring this play to life. It’s no surprise that Scenic Designer John Culbert’s prior credits include several operas. Get to your seat early enough to study its simplicity in great detail so you can appreciate how every angle, color, and jagged edge was so clearly chosen to frame this grand, opera-sized story.”
– Picture This Post, Amy Munice, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
“The magnificent revival of Arthur Miller’s All My Sons, now playing at the Court Theatre, is a gripping and compelling production precisely imagined and perfectly staged by Charles Newell, Court’s Marilyn F. Vitale Artistic Director.”
All My Sons is extended through February 18. Learn more and save your seats here.
Photo of John Judd, Timothy Edward Kane, Heidi Kettenring, and Kate Collins by Michael Brosilow.