In Conversation: Director Vanessa Stalling Get a glimpse inside Director Vanessa Stalling's hopes, goals, and inspirations for Caryl Churchill's FEN.
Audiences Herald THE ISLAND As “Riveting” "Profoundly moving" and "courageous" - reviewers are loving THE ISLAND!
Culture and Region as Told Through Props: THE ISLAND Properties Master Lara Musard offers a behind-the-scenes look at the props that enrich THE ISLAND.
Behind the Scenes: Scenic and Costume Design of THE ISLAND Learn about the background, context, and creative decisions informing the costume and set designs of THE ISLAND.
Learning Guide: The Island Find resources for educators to prepare for, and debrief, the production of THE ISLAND with students.
Post-Show Discussion Activity In this round robin discussion, students choose questions about THE ISLAND that are most interesting to them to discuss in small groups.
Pre-Show Chalk Talk Activity This Chalk Talk will guide students as they consider themes and ideas explored in THE ISLAND.
Student Vocabulary Activities: Colonialism To prepare for THE ISLAND, check out these two vocabulary activities around the word “colonialism.”
Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design Take a look at these texts and resources to explore the history behind THE ISLAND, its dramaturgy, and the design of Court Theatre’s production.
ANTIGONE: History and Summary In THE ISLAND, John and Winston are rehearsing a 2-man version of ANTIGONE. Check out this background on Sophocles's classic play!