Additional Listening, Learning, and Viewing Check out this curated list of videos, podcasts, and playlists to dig deeper into ANTIGONE, Thebes, and the world of Court’s production.
Post-Show Classroom Activity Overlay a modern family onto Antigone’s family tree, embellishing as you go!
Post-Show Discussion Activity After your viewing of ANTIGONE, reflect on the production with companions, classmates, or by yourself.
Poetry Activity Experiment with blackout, or redacted, poetry using choral odes from ANTIGONE and the work of contemporary Black women poets.
ANTIGONE Quotes Activity Use juicy quotes from ANTIGONE as a jumping off point for discussion and writing, before or after your viewing of the play.
Pre-Show Ritual Activity This activity for learners of all ages invites learning, reflection, and creativity around ritual-making and its role in ANTIGONE.
Glossary of the Greeks Support your understanding of the words and world of ANTIGONE with this thorough glossary, including key academic vocabulary and essential allusions.
Pre-Show Vocabulary Activity Dive into the world of literary allusions in ANTIGONE with students before they choose a new-to-them Greek reference to explore.
Historical Background, Dramaturgy, and Design Explore the history behind ANTIGONE, its dramaturgy, and the design of Court Theatre’s production.
Synopsis and Characters Read a brief synopsis of ANTIGONE and review the cast of characters in Sophocles's classic text.