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Learning Guides

The Glossary of GOSPEL

Explore some of the key vocabulary related to production, compiled by THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS Production Dramaturg, Wenke (Coco) Huang.

Synopsis and Characters

Read a brief synopsis of this production, and untangle the web of Oedipus's family tree, his life, and the order of events immediately preceding THE GOSPEL AT COLONUS.

Learning Guide: Fen

Check out these resources for academics, enthusiasts, educators to support your learning and viewing of FEN. We’re thrilled to offer them as a complement to our Student Matinee program, and we hope they enrich your experience of this production.

Post-Show Juxtaposition Activity

Use this classroom activity to unpack examples of juxtaposition in life, media, and FEN to more deeply understand the power of contrast. 

Pre-Show Journaling Activity

Reflect on themes from FEN through journaling prompts—suited for classrooms and continuous learners alike! 

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