Additional Listening, Learning, and Viewing

Check out this curated list of videos, podcasts, and further reading to dig deeper into Sophocles and the world of Oedipus Rex!
- Antigone – Sophocles: Dive into the story of Antigone with this two-part podcast, a dramatic reading of the final play in the Theban trilogy.
- Oedipus Rex? Oedipus Rocks!: Listen to this Oedipus-themed Spotify playlist, curated by the Dramaturgical Team (Gabrielle Randle-Bent, Emma Pauly, and Ella Wilhelm).
- Oedipus the King – Sophocles – So You Haven’t Read: This 9-minute animated video offers a summary of Oedipus Rex along with some helpful historical context!
- The Battle of the Greek Tragedies – Melanie Sirof: This humorous 5-minute TedEd video highlights the differences and dramatic innovations from Aeschylus to Sophocles.
- Ancient Greek Theater: Curious about the history of theatre? This 2 minute video by Untold History explains the origins of public theatre in the Ancient world.
- Ancient Greece 101 | National Geographic: Check out this 4-minute video overview of the history and impact of Ancient Greece.
- The Gospel at Colonus Learning Guide: Curious about Lee Breuer and Bob Telson’s adaptation of the second play in the Oedipus Trilogy? Check out the Learning Guide from Court Theatre’s production of The Gospel at Colonus!
- Sophocles – The Plays: This Britannica page gives a summary of each of Sophocles’s surviving seven plays of the more than 120 that he wrote.