by Samuel Beckett
directed by Christopher Bayes
Jun 02, 2005 — Jun 26, 2005
“…a vividly atmospheric Court Theatre production directed by Christopher Bayes.” -Chicago Tribune
“…energizing and engaging… director Christopher Bayes has given us… his vivid, anything but minimalist, marvelously acted production.. ” -Sun-Times
“…the actors bask in the poetry of the language, imbuing it with rhythm and cadences not often heard in Beckett’s most despairing work.” -New City Stage
The world is coming to an end and it may be less a terror than a relief. This modernist classic finds the blind, bullying Hamm and his shambling, idiotic servant Clov trapped in a strange room. Nagg and Nell, Hamm’s elderly parents, are kept in ashbins, left to their feeble memories. A witty parable of human fate in a falling world, this apocalyptic romp is at times frightening and sad, but also offers us glimpses of happiness and beauty through clown-like characters and ironic humor.
Photo of Allen Gilmore and Joe Foust by Michael Brosilow.
Artistic Team
DirectorChristopher Bayes
Scenic and Costume DesignerDiane D. Fairchild
Lighting DesignerDiane D. Fairchild
Composer/Sound and Video DesignerJoshua Horvath
Composer/Sound and Video DesignerRay Nardelli
NellRoslyn Alexander
NaggMaury Cooper
ClovJoe Foust
HammAllen Gilmore