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Introducing the 2025/26 Season

The 2025/26 season is a time of truth and transformation. With an exciting and enriching mix of beloved classics, rarely produced gems, and world premieres, this season invites us to look at each other honestly, with all our flaws, contradictions, beauty, and nuance on glorious display. When we do, we not only see each other. We see ourselves.

That moment of recognition, that spark of curiosity and connection – that’s where change is possible. And that’s where the 2025/26 season lives. 

Explore the Season

Executive Director Angel Ysaguirre remarks, “The season speaks to what audiences indicate to us that they need and want, and I am eager to share this work with them. We find ourselves in an invigorating moment: we are reaffirming our commitment to reimagining classics and how those stories get told, and we are deepening our relationships with artistic and University collaborators. The energy of the 2025/26 season onstage matches the energy and excitement we feel as an organization.”

“This season is about hard truths – seeing them, hearing them, and acknowledging them honestly,” adds Senior Artistic Producer Gabrielle Randle-Bent. “Our world is rapidly changing and those liminal moments – those moments right in the middle of that transformation – are when we find out what we are really made of. This season explores and embraces those windows of transformation and the incredible multitudes they – and we  – contain.”

Directed by Resident Artist Ron OJ Parson I September 12 – October 12, 2025

Theodore Ward’s Big White Fog is the big shoulders on which A Raisin in the Sun stands.

The United States is on the cusp of the Great Depression and, like many, the Mason family is struggling. Between the precarious economy and racial violence on the segregated South Side, something’s got to give. As different generations strive to secure their family’s future, catastrophic decisions are made, leading to a heartbreaking twist and a blistering condemnation of America’s Big White Fog. 


Directed by Marti Lyons I November 14 – December 14, 2025

A fresh interpretation of William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew, focused on feminine desire. This is not your standard Shrew.

The richest man in town has two daughters and one big problem: he refuses to marry the youngest, Bianca, until the eldest, Katherine, is married first. Much to her family’s dismay, Katherine repeatedly – and violently – rejects the men interested in her and her wealth, and refuses to sacrifice her independence. When a mysterious gentleman enters the mix, suddenly Kate sees that surrender is no sacrifice. Perhaps there is strength in submission.


Directed by Senior Artistic Producer Gabrielle Randle-Bent I February 6 – March 8, 2026

August Strindberg’s Miss Julie is a confrontation of class, gender, and desire at the turn of the twentieth century that’s as relevant today as when it was first written. 

Miss Julie wants to abandon her upper-class, aristocratic life and escape the expectations that trap her. Jean, her servant, wants to climb the social ladder and rise through the ranks of society. Over the course of a wine-soaked evening, the two jockey for position, using sex, status, and strategy to collide and combust.


April 10 – May 10, 2026

Sometimes you have to break something apart to create something better. Strikingly original and unabashedly queer, Out Here explores the freedom of relinquishing control. 

Dawn has a house, a husband, and a family, but she wants more. She wants her ex-girlfriend, Robin. She wants nothing to change and she wants everything to change, and she wants it all on her own terms. As she’s caught between what’s been and what’s next, Dawn must learn to abandon expectations, harmonize with loved ones, and trust the process. If she can do all that, she might just learn a new song.



Three and four-play subscriptions to Court’s 2025/26 season range from $117 to $288 and are on sale now. Purchase or renew your Court subscription by April 15 to secure our lowest pricing and be entered to win a free parking spot in front of the theatre. Unlock theatre magic and maximum convenience – become a Court subscriber today!

Subscriptions can be purchased or renewed online or by calling the Box Office at (773) 753-4472. Individual tickets for all shows will be available in summer 2025.


Posted on March 4, 2025 in Productions, Theatre News

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