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Jim Guy

JIM GUY is making his Court Theatre debut. He is proud to continue his long association with Ron OJ Parson, Jack Magaw, and Lara Musard with East Texas Hot Links. His most recent Chicago outing was as Props Designer for The Porch on Windy Hill: a new play with old music (Northlight Theatre). His work has appeared on and Off-Broadway, on tour, in print, on television, in museums, and on stages across the country. He has propped an estimated 600 plays, musicals, and operas. Jim was Properties Director at Milwaukee Rep for 24 seasons, from 1998 to 2022. As time and temperament allows, he now freelances, teaches (most notably bringing his Firearms Safety for Stage workshop to theaters and colleges around the country), consults, and serves as Membership Chair of the the Society of Props Managers (S*P*M), of which he served as president for 16 years. He was born in a log cabin. He never tells a lie.

Bio as of 7/2024

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